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Pelvic Prolapse - Unsensored

Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder caused by loss of support of organs that make up the pelvic floor.

Pelvic organ prolapse receive their own names according to the organ that moved: cystocele (bladder), urethrocele (urethra), uterine (uterus), erythrocele (vagina), enterocele (intestine) and rectocele (rectum).

It can appear in all age groups, but multiparous women from the age of 60 are at greater risk of developing it.

The woman may feel pressure that feels like something is protruding out of the vagina or that she is sitting on a ball, or she may have problems with urination or bowel movements and pain with intercourse. If the disorder is severe, organs may protrude through the opening of the vagina and out of the body.

Pelvic organ prolapse is usually caused by a combination of factors.

For example:

• Weak pelvic floor;

• Multiple normal deliveries or injuries to nerves and ligaments during delivery;

• Obesity;

• Injury, as may occur during a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or other surgical procedure;

• Aging;

• Frequently doing things that increase pressure in the abdomen, such as straining during a daily bowel movement, impact exercises, or lifting heavy objects.

Diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse:

A doctor can usually diagnose pelvic organ prolapse by doing a pelvic exam using a speculum (an instrument that spreads the walls of the vagina apart).

Treatment of pelvic organ prolapse:

Several resources are used during physiotherapy sessions for the treatment of prolapse, such as: pelvic floor strengthening exercises, electrostimulation, biofeedback, vaginal cones, hypopressive exercises to reduce abdominal pressure, but the choice of these resources depends on a complete evaluation initial.

2- Pessaries

If prolapse is causing symptoms, a device called a pessary may be inserted into the vagina to support the pelvic organs. Pessaries are especially useful for women who are waiting for surgery or who cannot have surgery. The pessary can lessen the symptoms, but it is not a cure.

The pessary needs to be periodically removed and washed with soap and water. The woman learns to insert and remove the pessary for hygiene. If preferred, or if she is unable to clean and change the pessary herself, the woman can visit the doctor's office periodically to have the pessary cleaned.

3- Surgery

Surgery is done if symptoms persist after the woman has tried pelvic floor exercises and using a pessary. Surgery is also an option for women who do not wish to wear a pessary. Surgery is usually done only after a woman has decided not to have any more children.

Schedule a free call today to ask your questions and discuss your concern with one of our Women's health Physiotherapist in Abu Dhabi.

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