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Sneak peek : visceral manualtherapy

Visceral manualtherapy is a non invasive manual technique where the internal organs (viscera in latin) mobility is targeted with various hands on techniques.

In case of a local or systemic inflammation, disease of any internal organ, post abdominal surgery or laparoscopy, the soft tissue layer (called fascia) can get more viscose and sliding of the layers are restricted, so called adhesions can form. Even immobility - eighter it is bed rest or just a sedentary lifestyle - can cause adhesions in the pelvis and abdomen itself.

Due to different reasons (surgery, disease, aging, hormonal changes etc), the ligaments fixing the organs can get lengthened called ptosis or even the capsule of the viscera can get under tension due to stress. All those changes are leading to a continuous alert signal towards the central nervous system (CNS).

Peripherial signals from the same spinal cord level (visceral and musculosceletal informations as well) are going to the same area of our brain. If overloaded with signals they can get mixed up which can lead to referred pain sensation or certain body part can get set into protected mode, maybe hypomobiliy. If the mobility of the viscera is restricted, the local fluid circulation is also compromised, what will end up in a circulus vitiosus.

Mobilizing the internal organs is an effective way of improving the local blood flow and lymph circulation, improving the brain – organ communication, reducing the nociception (pain information), optimizing the pH, reducing the local and even the global stress due to parasymphatetic reactions. It helps the body to restore its notmal functions.

For whom is this treatment:

- internal medicine pathologies

- after surgeries (12+ weeks)

- after big sickness and lots of medications

- after finished chemotherpy (needs doctors advise)

- after childbirth

For whom is not advised:

- active and malignant cancer

- during pregnancy

- small children

- in presence of acute inflammation, fever

The visceral mobility is influenced by several factors:

- Central Nervous System

- Autonomic nervous system

- Breathing (the main mobilizer is the diaphragm)

- Motility of the viscera

From the above 4 factors, there is only one what can be consciously influenced, the diaphragm. More about the diaphragm, see my next post.

Schedule a free call today to ask your questions and discuss your concern with one of our Physiotherapists in Abu Dhabi.

Read a customer review from : Joanna Jakeways

"Without hesitation I would recommend Erika at PB for visceral and scar therapy. Erika massaged my third c-section scar 2.5 years postpartum and I believe this undoubtedly helped in some way to conceive my fourth baby. Post this last pregnancy, Erika has been a big help in my recovery / journey to regaining core functionality again. She has the patience of a saint; always looks to seek and understand the reason why I’m finding an exercise difficult and then consequently modifies it to make it doable for me at home. My diastasis recti will take time to heal now but at 10 weeks postpartum, I’m confident that Erika has set me on the right course and given me the tools to conquer the muscle separation!"

Curious about this method? Erika can answer all your questions and discuss your concern about visceral and scar therapy.

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21st Floor, Tamouh Tower, Marina Square,

Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 112457

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