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Physiotherapy treatment and therapy options at Perfect Balance

physiotherapy treatment at Perfect Balance

Are you curious about all the tools, treatment and therapy used by our physiotherapists. Here is a summary of all that can help get you back doing what you love.

Manual therapy:

Manual therapy comes in an array of forms. We predominantly use manual therapy to release; tissue, joint stiffness and relieve pain. Manual therapy may form part of your treatment session however, the best results come from combining manual therapy with self treatment strategies.


Acupuncture is a complementary practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions. The treatment is performed by one of our physiotherapists.

Trigger point release

Trigger points are tight areas of muscle tissue that reproduce pain either without external stimuli or when pressure is applied. Release of triggerpoints is performed by a physiotherapist using either their hands or a treatment tool.

Rehabilitation Pilates

Rehabilitation pilates is taught by one of our physiothearpists, and uses targetted pilates based strengthening exercises to build strength and endurance of the smaller stabilising muscles. This can be used post pregnancy to get back to exercise safely, return to sport following an operation or injury.


Deep tissue release aids muscle recovery, increases muscle length, decreases muscular tension and can be used as part of injury prevention or injury rehabilitation.

Tissue mobilisation

Tissue mobilisation aids muscle recovery, increases muscle length, decreases muscular tension and can be used as part of injury prevention or injury rehabilitation. Tissue mobilisation can be performed by the therapist using their hands, a graston tool, an IASTM tool or trigger point ball.


Taping provides support, can give proprioceptive feedback for support or injury prevention and can provide pain relief. There are a multitude of taping techniques including; Kinesiology taping, McConnel Taping, Strapping for sports matches and postural taping.


Targetting stretching can increase muscle length, aid muscle strengthening and provide pain relief when there is muscular tension.


Biofeedback is a treatment modaility used to give visual feedback to a patient for an involunatary mechanism. For example; it can give us a visual measure of strength for the core muscles, the deep neck flexors, the pelvic floor. It can then be used to help patients build strength in those areas if needed. It helps to give patients control of their strengthening.

Posture assessment

A postural assessment provides your physiotherapist with information on how your naturally position your body at rest. This assessment maybe performed at rest in sitting, lying, standing. Muscle strength and length tests will be performed along side a postural assessment to gauge if there are any muscle imbalances, restrictions or weaknesses that require addressing to allow the body to function optimally.

Dry Needling

Dry needling involves the insertion of needles into the muscle tissue and with the aim of increasing blood flow to the targetted muscle and or trigger point. It can reduce pain in the muscle tissue and aid muscle relaxation.

Clinical Reformer

Reformer pilates is guided by one of our physiotherapists. The reformer is a piece of pilates equipment that aids strengthening of the smaller stabilising muscles using Springs, leverage and body weight as resistance. It can be used as part of rehabilitation post operation, injury or pre and post nataly.

Rehabilitation progression plan

Our physiotherapists work closely with their patients to create a goal driven rehabilitation progression plan. This plan helps guide patients with manual therapy and exercise treatment at clinic and their self treatment plan at home. The progressive plan ensures that patients reach their goals.

Insoles / Footbalance

Custom made insoles can help to provide your foot with support. The insoles are made at Perfect Balance by one of our physiotherapists. The insoles can be made to fit your shoes. Footbalance insoles provide support but without restricting the foots' natural movement. They can help to reduce foot pain, plantar fascitis, achilles tendon problems or just help to increase the strength of the supporting muscles in the feet.

Cupping therapy

The benefits of cupping include local pain relief and muscle relaxation. For athletes, cupping may help increase blood flow to a particular muscle region or help reduce pain.

Ultrasound Electrotherapy

Ultrasound aids tissue healing in the acute stages of injury. It works by reducing local inflammation and can help to reduce acute haematomas, swelling and pain.

GAIT analysis

Gait analysis is the systematic review of a person's walking or running pattern. It involves the observation of a persons natural movement while assessment body mechanics, body movements and muscle activation. Walking and running patterns can change or become abnormal in the presence of pain or injury. Compensations or adaptations can often create other issues, therefore ensuring correct movement patterns are vital to rehabilitation.

Electro Dry Needling

Dry needling involves the insertion of needles into the muscle tissue and with the aim of increasing blood flow to the targetted muscle and or trigger point. It can reduce pain in the muscle tissue and aid muscle relaxation.

Desk set-up and ergonomics

Desk set up involves a personalised assessment of your work station. Our physiotherapists assess the alignment of your body in conjunction with what you have, they then provide personalised advice on how to best arrange your desk set up to prevent injury and help reduce pain.

Keep in mind these therapies and treatments can be used following a global assessment of the patient's body mobility, function, strength, flexibility and posture. It may be used as part of a multiple modality treatment approach.

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